The project involves seven partners from seven European countries.
BUPNET GmbH, founded in 1985, is an adult education provider. BUPNET’s mission is the promotion of innovation in education and training. BUPNET successfully runs numerous training courses in various sectors (social and healthcare, ICT and new media, sustainable development, entrepreneurship, economy, e-commerce, intercultural issues etc.) both in the framework of European and national funded projects. BUPNET has also committed itself to environmentally and climate-friendly behaviour – for example, courses and events are organised in compliance with environmentally relevant principles.
Eurotraining is an educational organisation of national scope, specialised in the provision of VET courses at tertiary level, as well as various other training opportunities for adults. Its main objective is to bridge the gap between labour market demand and offer, thus its services are highly adaptive to reflect the constantly changing circumstances. At the core of its activities, Eurotraining strives for inclusive education, particularly caring for people in vulnerable positions, through its participation in both national and EU-funded Projects. The organisation’s great impact on Greece’s VET sector is to a large extend due to the wide variety of training offers developed and provided. It also provides tailor made courses for professionals.
CESIE is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation based in Palermo (Italy) and established in 2001. CESIE is committed to promote the cultural, social, educational and economic development at local, national, European and international levels. CESIE contributes to growth and development through the active participation of people, civil society and institutions, always valuing diversity.
Inspired by the work and life of Danilo Dolci, we focus our actions on the research of social needs and challenges and the use of innovative learning approaches. In this way, CESIE actively connects research with action through the use of formal and non-formal learning approaches.
Novel is an IT Consulting company specialised in the design, development and management of tailor-made digital solutions, utilising state-of-the art tools and methods that ensure both effectiveness and flexibility. The company’s objectives are described by its motto “Uncover Your Skills”, revealing that continuous research and development are the cornerstone of its activities.
Novel is also a Vocational Training Center that provides an integrated package of training services, promotion to the employment and development of entrepreneurship to European, National and local bodies, as well as to private enterprises and organizations.
ARDITEC is short for Association pour la Recherche et le Développement d’Innovations et de Technologies pour la protection de l’héritage Environnemental, social & Culturel (Association for Research and Development of Innovations and Technologies for the Protection of Environmental, Social and Cultural Heritage). The values of ecology and humanism are central to the ARDITEC Association and is reflected in its research, propositions and missions.
The ARDITEC Association aims to promote sustainable development, protect our environmental and cultural heritage, and enhance social responsibility. This is achieved by supporting members and partners to implement programmes tha protect the needs of future generations.
CONSTRUCTION CLUSTER OF SLOVENIA, CCS (SLOVENSKI GRADBENI GROZD), established in 2004, is an innovation cluster with a strong focus on the circular economy in the construction sector. CCS offers companies and organizations in the construction sector the opportunity to work together to contribute jointly to the implementation of the circular economy principles in the construction and construction sector while contributing to the achievement of climate and sustainable development goals in Slovenia and beyond. Our goal is for Slovenia to become recognized as a leader in the transition to circular construction and construction.
The mission of the Construction Cluster of Slovenia is to lead the transformation of construction sector to become innovative, competitive, and responsible in delivering circular and sustainable buildings and infrastructure, creating build environment which is energy and resource efficient, with less impact on environment, with high value for users and society, and to become attractive for employment and careers.
EVTA – The European Vocational Training Association is a network organisation representing Vocational Education and Training across Europe. Established in 1998, the association is the result of the cooperation of Euroqualification, a project launched in 1993 aimed to build a European platform for joint design, mutual recognition of professional qualifications, development of training curricula in line with the need of companies and labour market, geographical mobility of students. During the years, EVTA evolved into an important stakeholder in the field of VET and human capital development, participating in various cooperation and concertation tables, providing support to its member organizations and ensuring that their needs and expectations are fulfilled. Members of the EVTA network are public and private VET providers and companies acting at international, national and regional level.
EVTA is focused on making Lifelong Learning a reality, by sharing experiences and working on joint activities to make people more employable

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